Friday 1 June 2012


Chum Kiu ( The seeking the bridge form ) is as name implies meaning to seek out the Bridge / Arm of your opponent , this intermediate form is for those who have all ready mastered the first form in the system the Siu Lim Tau ( The little Idea form ) The Chum Kiu form teaches the student the importance of stance turning with upper and lower body unity , the use of stepping techniques in co-ordination with hand movements to learn how to bridge the gap and make contact with your opponent , Kicking techniques are also introduced at this stage along with various movements developed to deal with multiple opponents , How ever it is important not to loose sight of the forms main objective and that is to ultimately to seek out and make contact with your opponent ! This Video teaches you the whole form in detail including many of the forms practical self defence techniques and drills , Bonus material featuring the Wing Chun Chi Sau rattan ring and the Lap sau Drill included ... Over one hour long !

Download this Video now from

There are three empty hand forms in the Wing Chun system the first and most important of the three is called Siu Lim Tau - "The Little Idea" form, this form in normally broken down into three sections, consider the form as the building blocks from which all the succeeding  forms and techniques depend and then expand on.                              
This form teaches the novice student to focus on centre line theory and to build good structure; in this video we shall be covering the whole form in detail plus many of the practical applications, concepts and theories.

Download this video now straight to your home computer from

Wing Chun

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Three hundred year old aggressive form of fighting using compact and economical attack and defence methods. It does not pit strength against strength but rather employs it's unique understanding of angles and sensitivity to overcome aggression. Among the Wing Chun specialities are Trapping Hands training, Sticking Hands practice, swift low kicking techniques and very fast hand strikes.
Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for both men and women

History of Wing Chun

The founder of the Wing Chun Kung Fu System, Miss Yim Wing Chun was a native of Canton [Kwangtung Province] in China. She was an intelligent and athletic young girl, upstanding and forthright. Her mother died soon after her betrothal to Leung Bok Chau, a salt merchant of Fukien. Her father, Yim Yee, was wrongfully accused of a crime and, rather than risk jail, they slipped away and finally settled down at the foot of Tai Leung Mountain near the border between Yunan and Szechuan provinces. There they earned a living by running a shop that sold bean curd.
During the reign of Emperor K'anghsi of the Ching Dynasty (1662-1722) Kung Fu became very strong in the Siu Lam [Shaolin] Monastery of Mt. Sung, in Honan Province. This aroused the fear of the Manchu government [a non-Chinese people from Manchuria in the North, who ruled China at that time], which sent troops to attack the Monastery. Although they were unsuccessful, a man named Chan Man Wai, a recently appointed civil servant seeking favor with the government, suggested a plan.
He plotted with Siu Lam monk Ma Ning Yee and others who were persuaded to betray their companions by setting fire to the monastery while soldiers attacked it from the outside. Siu Lam was burned down, and the monks and disciples scattered. Buddhist Abbess Ng Mui, Abbot Chi Shin, Abbot Pak Mei, Master Fung To Tak and Master Miu Hin escaped and went their separate ways.
Ng Mui took refuge in the White Crane Temple on Mt. Tai Leung [also known as Mt. Chai Har]. It was there she met Yim Yee and his daughter Wing Chun from whom she often bought bean curd on her way home from the market. At fifteen, with her hair bound up in the custom of those days to show she was of an age to marry, Wing Chun's beauty attracted the attention of a local bully. He tried to force Wing Chun to marry him, and his continuous threats became a source of worry to her and her father. Ng Mui learned of this and took pity on Wing Chun. She agreed to teach Wing Chun fighting techniques so she could protect herself. Wing Chun followed Ng Mui into the mountains, and began to learn Kung Fu. She trained night and day, until she mastered the techniques. Then she challenged the bully to a fight and beat him.
Ng Mui later traveled around the country, but before she left she told Wing Chun to strictly honor the Kung Fu traditions, to develop her Kung Fu after her marriage, and to help the people working to overthrow the Manchu government and restore the Ming Dynasty.
After her marriage Wing Chun taught Kung Fu to her husband Leung Bok Chau. He in turn passed these techniques on to Leung Lan Kwai. Leung Lan Kwai then passed them on to Wong Wah Bo. Wong Wah Bo was a member of an opera troupe on board a junk, known to Chinese as the Red Junk. Wong worked on the Red Junk with Leung Yee Tei. It so happened that Abbot Chi Shin, who fled from Siu Lam, had disguised himself as a cook and was then working on the Red Junk. Chi Shin taught the Six-and-a-half-point Long Pole techniques to Leung Yee Tei. Wong Wah Bo was close to Leung Yee Tei, and they shared what they knew about Kung Fu. Together they shared and improved their techniques, and thus the Six-and-a-half-point Long Pole was incorporated into Wing Chun Kung Fu. Leung Yee Tei passed his Kung Fu on to Leung Jan, a well known herbal Doctor in Fat Shan. Leung Jan grasped the innermost secrets of Wing Chun, attaining the highest level of proficiency. Many Kung Fu masters came to challenge him, but all were defeated. Leung Jan became very famous. Later he passed his Kung Fu on to Chan Wah Shan, who took me and my elder Kung Fu brothers, such as Ng Siu Lo, Ng Chung So, Chan Yu Min and Lui Yu Jai, as his students many decades ago.
It can thus be said that the Wing Chun System was passed on to us in a direct line of succession from its origin. I write this history of the Wing Chun System in respectful memory of my forerunners. I am eternally grateful to them for passing to me the skills I now possess. A man should always think of the source of the water as he drinks it; it is this shared feeling that keeps our Kung Fu brothers together.
Is this not the way to promote Kung Fu, and to project the image of our country?
Yip Man 
                  Wing Chun Kung Fu Instructional Video Downloads

In 2008 I had a Idea to try and put on video to share with the rest of the world a series of learn at home Instructional step by step wing chun lessons , this has proved to be very popular over the years with sales coming world wide , I have a total of five videos available at the moment , here are some  of my customer comments and testomonials below 

I really enjoyed this video. The visuals are really clear & every move
is well explained. This video has allowed me to continue to make
progress with my forms even though I can't get to class regularly.
I have found John's videos to be among the best martial arts
instructional videos I have seen. They are a great help in my
training. His explanations make it easy to see how the techniques can
be effective even without using muscular strength. They are a great
reflection of the wing chun theory of maximum effect with minimum

Dr. John Howe

Dear Sifu John Agar,
Thank you for pointing out the technical glitch. I've now been able to open
the files and I must say they are just as good as the first set - Siu 
Nim Tau.
You really bring the viewers into the training sessions as if they are 
really part of the class.
The instructions are clear and easy to follow. Please keep up the good 
work. Once I've finished
the set I'm sure I'll be the first to ask for the next treat from you.

Best regards,

Hey Sifu,

just wanted to drop you a note to say how much i've enjoyed watching 
over the Videos (again!) -
  they really help me concentrate on? the finer points and the 
explanations of the theories behind
  the system is *very* interesting!
keep up the hard work! :o)

                    Keith Loose

I think you've really hit upon a good idea in recording the sessions in 
the style of a class.
I like the way you seem to talk to me (the viewer) as the student. You 
also look and sound
really comfortable doing this as I guess it is just like giving a? 
class. The chapters are logically set out,
easy to follow and just the right length. It would be easy for somebody 
trying to learn from them to
  perfect each sequence before moving on.

All in all, a great piece of work! Well done.

Matt Somers

Hi Sifu,

Just been watching your Video Download, which is great. It gives so much 
clear detail of real Wing Chun,
and did it? in perfectionism as a true master. I have bought quite a lot 
of dvds from the UK and Hong Kong,
most of them are really disappointing to watch. Looking forward to 
seeing the next video.Your toe dai (student).

T.Kwai Wong

Below is a video Interview with Sifu John Agar discussing his wing chun instructional Videos in two parts

Please Visit my New Web Site at
to download your new Instructional videos straight to your home computer