Wednesday 30 May 2012

Defend yourself with Wing Chun Kung Fu

By Sifu John Agar

I wrote this article as a valuable insight into just how practical the Wing Chun style of Kung Fu is, especially with regards to its practical and straight forward application for self defence.

It is therefore my intention to show you, the reader, a sequence of practical self defence movements that can be learned and mastered in a relatively short period of time.  I recommend that the movements be repeated over and over again to the left and the right side until they become second nature.  To further enhance the drill the attacker could be wearing focus mitts for the defender to hit to fully apply and develop their punches.

Traditional Training Sequence

Pic 1B – Turn, simultaneous block and strike (Tan Da)

 Pic 1C – Step forward right leg with a left straight line punch


Self Defence Sequence Two

Pic 4A - attacker and defender square up opposite each other
Pic 4B - attacker throws a left hook punch – defender blocks the punch with Tan Sau and simultaneously punches attacker straight down the centre line
Pic 4C – instead of launching a second punch this time the defender throws a groin kick to help incapacitate attacker. 
Pic 4 D – defender follows up the kick with a left centre line punch
Pic 4E - attacker has been rendered unable to continue to be a threat, defender can now retreat to a safe position.

Alternative Shots

Pics 5A – traditional front view of the groin kick
Pics 5B – traditional side view of the groin kick

This is just once sequence that could be used to defend against the hook or swinging punch.   Wing Chun has many more applications that could be used in this situation.  




Points to focus on

As you step and punch both the step and punch want to land together thereby transferring body weight behind the punch
Exactly the same thing when you slide and punch, both slide and punch want to land together to transfer body weight behind the punch
All punches to run down the centreline, less chance of your opponent being able to ‘ride’ a punch
Simultaneous attack and defence – not block and then counter

 About the author – Sifu John Agar is a professional Wing Chun instructor based in the North East of England.  He has been teaching the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu for a period of over 30 years.  He has recently formed his own Martial Arts film production company and has to date produced a series of 4 affordable Wing Chun Kung Fu for the complete beginner.  These can be downloaded straight to your home computer from = 

Sifu Agar can be contacted on 0191 4100613 or by e-mail at  .
For further information on Sifu Agar or any of his classes/private lessons then please visit –

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Wing Chun Kicking Techniques

Wing Chun Kung Fu Kicking Techniques

By Sifu John Agar

It is a misconception of many to think that the Wing Chun style of Kung Fu to depend primarily on the use of hand techniques, this of course could not be further from the truth.  A good Wing Chun practitioner relies on a good balance of both the use of hand and food techniques to be at their most effective.  These can be used separately of course utilising either hand or foot techniques depending on the circumstances but can also be used together.  It is therefore not uncommon to see a Wing Chun Practitioner to perform a simultaneous pull kick and punch all at the same time.
We have a saying in Wing Chun with regards to our kicks – ‘Mo Ying Gurk’ which can be translated as ‘Invisible Kicks’ in English.  The meaning of this is that our opponent should only feel the kick and never even see it coming.  The invisible kick can be achieved in two different ways.  The first way is to distract your opponent with a high line attack using your hands and then use a kicking technique from close range so they don’t see it coming.  The second method is a simultaneous kick and punch.  Please refer to pics 1, 2 and 3 below as an example of this.
 Invisible Kick Application

Pic 1a – Sifu Agar and defender square up opposite each other
Pic 1b – Sifu Agar throws a straight punch, his opponent throws up his hands to defend himself
Pic 1c – Sifu Agar pulls down on his opponents guard hand performing a simultaneous kick and punch, the opponent doesn’t see the kick coming due to being distracted by the high line attack.  Even if he manages to block the punch he still gets hit with the kick!

Wing Chun Kicks

There are several ways in Wing Chun in which you can apply your kicking techniques.  You can perform them from long range with your rear leg as an attacking technique, from close range using your lead leg using a pull on at the same time to increase the power of your kick and you can also use the lead lead in a more defensive, counter attacking method.
We use these counter attacking techniques in Wing Chun in the method of a very practical stop kick.  The beauty of the stop kick is that you use the combination of a simultaneous block and kick at the same time.  Please note that once the stop kick has been performed that you would quickly follow it up with another attacking technique to help finish your opponent.  Below is a series of 3 stop kicks as an example of the simultaneous block and kick principle.

Stop Kicks

Pic 2a – Pak Sau (slapping block) and low line shin kick
Pic 2b – Tan Sau (palm up block) and mid level front kick
Pic 2c – Bong Sau (wing arm block) and low level side kick

Stop Kicks Practical Application

Pic 4a – Pak Sau – Shin Kick

pic 4b – Tan Sau – Front Kick

pic 4c- Bong Sau- side kick

The photo’s above show the correct way to execute the simultaneous block and kick principle.  In photo’s 4a the Pak Sau should block across the body from shoulder to shoulder at a forward angle and the low kick should go straight forward striking just above the knee.  In photo’s 4b the Tan Sau should thrust forward turning the palm up on contact with the oncoming punch and the kick should be directed straight to the stomach.  In photo’s 4c the Bong Sau should be used as if you were leaning away from the oncoming punch spot your target and kick anywhere from above the knee to hip level.  The Bong Sau if there as extra insurance to protect you.  

Sunday 13 May 2012

Instructor profile

                                                 Wing Chun Kung Fu - Instructor profile.

My name is john Agar, I am a full time professional martial arts Instructor with 40 years of training/teaching experience. I teach classes in the north East of England, I teach Wing Chun Kung Fu which is a 300 year old southern chinese martial art.


Sifu John Agar

Name: John AgarSifu John Agar
Date of Birth: 19/12/1955
Date of Birth: Married with two children
Occupation: Professional Martial Arts Instructor
Years Training: 40
Main Style: Wing Chun
Other Styles Practiced:
Wado-Ryu Karate, Aikido, Shaolin Kung Fu, Police Arrest Techniques i.e. Locking and Throwing. John has also  trained privately in the Choy Lee Fut system of Kung Fu under Gordon Wilson, the 1995 overall British Kung Fu Champion.
Weapon Skills:
Wing Chun Long Pole and Butterfly Knives, Shaolin Pole, Nunchaku, Philippine Escrima stick and knife techniques and various weapons used in the Choy Lee Fut system. Chinese Broad sword
Ron Balsam in Wado-Ryu Karate, Lee and Beryl Crow in Aikido, Sifu's Alan Lamb and Alick Au in Wing Chun, Gordon Wilson in Choy Lee Fut.



In July, after a full day's assessment at the British wing chun headquarters in Preston, under the associations chief instructor Sifu John Darwen, Sifu's John and Alan agar were given the honour of being chosen to be the officially approved instructors for the B.W.C.A. for the North East of England.
At the end of September john and Alan were chosen by Sifu Alan lamb on his return from the U.S.A. to help him with an eight week intensive course in wing chun kung fu, long pole training and the Philippine martial art of Escrima. John and Alan took full advantage of Sifu lamb's return to the UK by training with him several hours each day, most days of the week until his return to the U.S.A.


Sifu john agar won first place in the men's advanced Kata/forms division in the 1988 Sukodo Karate championships for his Shaolin forms Tun-da and Moi-fa.


Sifu john agar was accepted for membership within the yip man martial arts association, Hong Kong.


Sifu john agar was awarded the rank of 5th degree black sash by the amateur martial arts association, London.


A team of wing chun students from the john agar school of self defence took part in the prestigious UK internal arts competition held in Newcastle upon Tyne, which was hosted by Sifu Peter Yeung. The competition attracted students and kung fu masters from Hong Kong, France, Sweden, Greece and the U.S.A.
Sifu john agar's students won all the wing chun events they entered and brought home all the gold medals.


Sifu john agar was accepted for membership within the national register of martial arts instructors, and the Ving Tsun athletic association in Hong Kong.
In June 1999 Sifu John Agar made a life changing decision to take voluntary redundancy from his job of twenty three years as a machine operator at the Royal Ordinance factory in Birtley, to become a full time professional martial arts instructor.
Six years since that decision, Sifu John Agar has built up a number of successful Wing Chun Schools throughout the area, all of which have produced a total of six new Black sash students, Sharon Breadin, John McNulty, Matt and James Laing, Nigel Pilmore and Paul Allison.
Sifu John Agar is also in demand to give one on one private lessons and has been approached on several occasions to teach privately a number of the professional football players and staff from the premiership football club, Sunderland A.F.C john has taught stefan schwartz ,Matt piper , David Bellion , Kevin Ball and Stan Varga (See Photos Page)


 New Venture this year starting to produce a number of wing chun kung fu instructional videos from beginner to advanced level , I am hoping to have my first three videos up and running by May ? once I have my new Internet shop open and selling my down loadable videos on line i can then concentrate on adding further videos , I just need to get every thing set up first of all

 present day !

Gained a three year first Aid Certificate , been C.R.B. checked and approved , took part in a live local radio  
show with over 7000 listener's talking about and promoting the Art of Wing Chun .